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Марина Николаевна Латвина








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09 мая 2013, 06:51, автор - хозяйка блога
Марина Николаевна Латвина



Speaker A: It’s simple – if we don’t care about our neighbours and generally look out for each other, then we are all at risk. The police can’t be everywhere. I truly believe that crime increases when people don’t care enough about other people. I’m sure that’s why crime is such a problem in our big cities today. I recently started a ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ scheme in my area, and I really encourage others to do something similar. This makes me feel I’m actually doing something to make our city safer.

Speaker B: I have lived in a small town my whole life and I really enjoy living there. Life is pretty quiet and peaceful. It’s not like the hectic city where people often face all sorts of problems and risks. A few burglaries have been reported in the town recently, but my neighbours and I keep a close watch on each others’ houses, so I usually feel quite safe. And anyway , if there is ever a problem, I know that my friends and neighbours will help me.

Speaker C: You just never know when you could become a victim of a crime. I’m not taking any chances. I never go out at night alone and avoid dangerous areas, even in the day. I’ve just started a self-defence class. If I ever find myself in a dangerous situation, I want to be as well prepared and informed as possible.

Speaker D: To tell you the truth, I used to feel very safe walking around the city, but I don’t any more. Crimes such as muggings, vandalism, robberies and even more violent crimes are getting out of control – and no one seems to be doing a lot about it. I don’t think there are enough CCTV surveillance cameras or police on the streets, for a start. Something has to be done, but I don’t feel very hopeful . I don’t think crime will be reduced very soon.

Speaker E: If we really want to do something about crime we have to discourage people from committing crimes. In the cities, crime levels are rising all the time and people don’t seem to be afraid of getting caught. Harsher sentences are needed, so people will think twice before they do something wrong. We are far too easy on criminals today.

Speaker F: It’s violent crime that worries me. So many people are being attacked or even killed these days, especially in the cities . We need to focus on catching these types of criminals and getting them off the streets. Sure, smaller crimes like theft   and fraud are serious, but they don’t compare to violent crimes. People need to feel safe again on the streets – yes, this should definitely be a priority in our community.

Задание 1

Ключевые фразы и слова:

1 to care about the nieghbours                                                   10 mugging, vandalism, robbery

2 to be at risk                                                                                   11 violent crimes

3 to start a ‘ Neighbourhood Watch ‘ scheme                           12 to get out of control

4 to encourage others to do sth similar                                       13 to be reduced

5 pretty quiet and peaceful                                                            14 not to be afraid of getting caught

6 to feel quite safe                                                                            15 harsher sentences

7 never go out at night alone                                                          16 to be far too easy on criminals

8 to avoid dangerous areas                                                              17 to focus on catching these types of criminals

9 to start a self – defence class

Вы услышите высказывания шести молодых людей о преступлениях. Установите соответствия между высказываниями каждого говорящего А – F и утверждениями данными в списке 1 – 7. Используйте каждое утверждение только один раз .В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

1 I feel frustrated about the increase in crime.

2 I think there should be stricter punishment for criminals.

3 We need to fight crime as a community.

4 Crime is being fought, but not in the right way.

5 I don`t worry too much about the crime where I live.

6 It`s important to try to reduce certain kinds of crime.

7 I am concerned about my personal safety.


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